Thursday, February 11, 2010

You stay classy, San Diego...

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy written by comedy genius Adam McKay with collaborations with Will Ferrell, has to be in my top 5 favorite movies ever. Set in the 1970's, Will Ferrell gives a hilarious performance playing Ron Burgundy, who is kind of a big deal in San Diego. He is a famous anchorman and leader of the Channel 4 News Team which consists of the 3 other awesome characters, all of which are hysterical! You have Brian Fantana, who's the ladies man... or at least tries to be. Champ Kind, the sports announcer and the emotional one of the group. Lastly, you have Brick Tamland, the weatherman who's just a little bit slow... but completes the dynamic of the group. Everythings great at the Channel 4 news network until a women, Veronica Corningstone brings some diversity to the team. At first all of the men want her and she ends up dating Ron, because he is a pretty good "yazz" flute player. But when she proves she is just as good as Ron and ends up becoming a co-anchor Ron turns bitter it becomes a battle to ruin eachother. This movie gets funnier the more times you watch it and begin to pick up on new subtle humor that you may have missed on previous viewings. If you need a good laugh just pop this movie in and you'll be gaurenteed over an hour of laughter! It was so great that they are in productions of Anchorman 2, the date of release hasn't been announced yet so I guess we will just have to wait for the return of Ron and the gang!

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