Hands down my favorite female comedian is Chelsea Handler, mainly known from her late night comedy talk show "Chelsea Lately". I love her blunt sense of humor and that she just says whatever she's thinking with no self censoring. She doesn't care who she offends and for me that's the best type of humor. On her show she has a little Mexican midget sidekick Chuy! He's the cutest little "nugget" as Chelsea would say. Recently breakup up with her boyfriend, who's also happens to be her boss, she is taking every opportunity on her show to make it public that she's single and looking for a man, which is just awesome. Her show averages about 900,000 viewers an episode, which air on E! Monday through Friday at 11 p.m. her shows been so successful that since it's start in 2007 has exceeded all expectations, so much so that it's been extended into 2012. She actually just had her 500th episode and Chuy dressed up as an olive in a martini glass because Chelsea loves her vodka. I love that she can poke fun at herself from time and time and doesn't care what anyone thinks. She's basically my hero and I can't wait to see her live this summer at her stand-up tour!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Fist pumpin like champs!....
Jersey Shore has been the best reality show released by MTV in a very long time. Following the life of "guidos" and "guidettes" and consisting of mainly new york accents (yeah none of them are actualyl from Jersey Shore), mucle tanks, fake boobs, big hair, fake tans, working out, the latest trend "GTL" and bar fights, this show has been a hit amongst college students. It seems the more ridiculous shows are, the funnier they are, and the more we want to watch them. The cast consists of Mike "The Situation" (what he calls his abs HAHA), Snookie (who gets punched in the face by a frat boy), J-Woww (looks like a crack whore with fake boobs), Pauly D (who's actually from RI and DJ's at various night clubs), Vinnie (the laid back Italian that doesn't really get much air time), Ronnie (the juiced up, roid rage, muscle head), and Sammy Sweetheart ("The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet", more like the biggest bitch you'll ever meet). I was totally against this show initially and figured it was going to be yet again another crappy reality show MTV decided to put out, but after watching the first episode I was hooked because I really couldn't believe these people were for real. It became my guilty pleasure and I began to tune in weekly with my friends. We would all play the Jersey Shore Drinking Game and it was always a good time. Season 2 is set to premiere July 29th and I am so ready to fist pump and beat up the beat along with my favorite guidos and guidettes for the summer! hahaha, I love this show, it's so dumb that it's genius.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Big hair and big attitudes...
Styles latest reality show, Jerseylicious, which is clearly inspired by the latest hit Jersey Shore, is so ridiculous you can't help but laugh. Set at the Gatsby hair salon in Jersey, the hair is just as big as the attitudes of all the workers. The majority of cast are complete idiots, which makes for a good laugh. The amount of drama on this show is very entertaining and it's like a car crash, you don't want to watch but you can't look away!
Do you know what it's like to be ignored JACCKIIEE?!?!
By far my all time favorite YouTube video is "Jackie and Debra" which is written by and starring John Roberts. If you're not familiar with John Roberts, he also created and starred in "My son is gay" and "Mother's Day", but I think the funniest one is without a doubt "Jackie and Debra". It entered and won the Comedy Smalls Competition in 2007. The video takes place at a high school and pokes fun at the way girls argue. Debra, is always fighting with her best friend Jackie, who we never actually see and is represented by the video camera. The video was so funny that they made a sequel "Jackie, Debra, and Stephanie Berger". My friends and I continually quote these two skits and think they are absolutely hysterical! JACCCKKIIIE! I WAS KIDDING!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
take your ass back to your tree and shut the fuck up!...
My friend just sent me this hilarious video from college humor. From guys wearing skinny jeans to birthday cards that sing to you, this guy hates everything! I can relate to most of the things he hates but his vulgarity and attitude are what make the video so funny. I love the part about the birds, seriously why do birds make so much noise so early in the morning while I'm trying to sleep?! Another good part is the DVD cover, so true and so funny that he points that out. This clip is sure to make you laugh!
Tommy Pickles and Chuckie Finster...
Last night my friends and I returned from a party around 3 a.m. to find a marathon of Rugrats showing on Nick Tunes Network and couldn't be more estatic! We were unaware that this show even was still on television, even as reruns. Retreating back to our childhood we were mesmerized once again by this amazing cartoon. I know, we're dorks, it's cool. We reminisced about our favorite episodes, mine being the one when Chuckie eats a watermelon seed and a watermelon grows in her stomach and because of it being paranoid to swallow watermelon seeds. We remembered all of the characters names without hestitation and I just found it hilarious that we still knew all of these names after over 12 years of not seeing the show. The crew, Tommy Pickles, Chuckie Finster, Phil and Lil, and mean Angelica were as cute as ever. Viewing these silly episodes that we once were in love with was awesome!
Will Ferrell's Best SNL Characters...
After purchasing SNL: The Best of Will Ferrell 1 & 2, I have picked out my favorite clips from SNL that Will Ferrell made amazing. His Jeopardy clips are some of my favorites, especially all of the feuding between "Alex Trebek" (Will Ferrell) and "Sean Connery". One of my all time favorite SNL clips has to be "More Cowbell!" Will Ferrell as a cheerleader is AWESOME, "Who's the indian in my teepee?!, IT'S ME! IT'S ME! Inside the Actors Studio has never been more entertaining with Ferrell posing as extremely boring host James Lipton. The skit with creepy lovahs Virginia and Roger Clarvin had me laughing from beginning to end! Ferrell is a dead ringer for George Bush and has no problem pushing the limits with his character. Will Ferrell is without a doubt my favorite comedic actor and added so much to SNL when he was a part of the show.
Throw me a frickin' bone here!
The Austin Powers series is awesome! The dumb humor found in all three of Mike Myers movies about a secret agent from the 70's transported through time is top notch. Mike Myers actually plays several major roles in each film and has played such characters as Austin Powers, Dr. Evil, Goldmember, and Fat Bastard who are all very different original characters and have their own hilarious personalities. My person favorite has to be Austin Powers in Goldmember. This movie contains all of these characters and many one liners that I would quote way too often with my friends who also loved the film. I was excited to see that I will soon to able to add to my collection! Mike Myers just signed on to be a part of the 4th Austin Powers film! YEAH BABYYY!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Two tickets to that thing you love...
FUNNIEST COMMERCIAL EVER! Old Spice has been on the target with their newest marketing strategy. The commercial "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" is my personal favorite and literally makes me crack up from beginning to end. The actor, Isaiah Mustafa, from in this commercial was such a hit that he actually was asked to go on The Ellen Degeneres Show. After viewing this commercial I became curious to discover more. DUMB! for whatever reason struck me as hilarious... it's probably the dumbest commercial ever, but so funny. These POWER commercials are so funny. 2 thumbs up for the newest additions!
Dodgeball is a sport of violence, exclusion, and degradation...
Dodgeball, released in 2004, stars Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller as two gym owners who are in competition with one another. Ben stiller plays a crazy exercise obsessed gym buff, White Goodman, who wants to take over Peter Lefleur's (Vince Vaughn) gym and will if Peter doesn't come up with $50,000 fast! He and his friends enter a hardcore dodgeball tournament and of course ends up being in competition with Goodman's team. Although it was listed as the number 46 of 50 funniest comedies of all time, I was dissapointed with the comedy level of this movie. It had it's moments but overall it was a let down. Vaughn and Stiller have been known for starring in some really funny movies so maybe I had my expectations set too high. Either way I was let down and did not have the desire to purchase the film to add to my comedy collection.
One, two, Freddy's comin for you...
I have to say I am looking forward to the newest remake of Nightmare on Elm Street! I loved the original, not because it's scary, but more due to the fact it's one of the cheesiest horror films ever. Maybe it was due to the lack of special effects but I couldn't help but laugh the entire time. Especially Johnny Depp's death scene! The amount of blood spewed from his bed after he is sucked in his just ridiculous, which makes it hilarioussss, and the mothers response is priceless. All the deaths in all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies are hysterical. Yes I know, most people were terrified by the film, including my mother who to this day refuses to watch any horror movie because of the old school horror films of the 80's, but I just find them humurous. I feel the new movie may actually be scary because of the updated special effects. The plot line is really freaky but viewing the original for the first time in this day and age it's anything but scary. Although there have been some bad reviews for the newest film, I will probably end up seeing it because I love scary movies and worse case scenario it ends up being as corny and funny as the original. Either way, it's a win-win!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Relax already!
South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stoned were threatened by Revolution Muslim for their latest episode which premeired April 14th, which featured a censored out Muhammad. According this article the duo disrespected their prophet Muhammad and they are not taking this lightly. In fact the post mentioned that the creators could end up like Theo Van Gogh for airing the episode. If you're not familiar with Theo Van Gogh, he was murdered, being shot eight times. This is just ridiculous to me. The idea that comedians would get death threats for a harmless show. Yes, South Park can be offensive, but really?!? DEATH THREATS?! this is just insanity. In my opinion, Revolution Muslim's follow up regarding the episode is ridiculous, and I can't even keep a straight face reading their response, "By placing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in a bear suit, the creators of South Park sought to insult the sacred, and show their blatant and general disregard for religion. By insulting our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) without the outright depicting of his image, the creators of South Park thought that they had found some loophole in the Muslim faith for them to mock. " South Park has poked fun at every religion and as much as it can be seen as offensive, I think it's absolutely crazy to think they are receiving death threats!
"Weeee let's go climb a tree"
My all time favorite episode of South Park originally aired on October 9, 2010. Since that premiere the "Dead Celebrities" episode has landed istelf at the number one spot of my favorites and has yet to be topped. With the recent deaths of many celebrities including Michael Jackson, Billy Mays, Farrah Faucett, Patrick Swayze and many others, South Park took advantage and poked fun at all of these celebrities. Most focused on were Billy Mays and Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson returns to southpark when he possesses Ike to enter a beauty pageant and become what he's always wanted to be, a little white girl. With references to Poltergeist and poking fun at the "gayest show in the fucking world," Ghost Hunters, this episode is pure genius.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'm doin' a headstand mothafucka!
Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Starring Jason Segel and Kristen Bell, is an absolutely hysterical comedy about a not so successful composer Peter trying to get over his ex-girlfriend, a successful actress, Sarah. In the first five minutes, during the break up, there is more than enough awkward nudity. Peter tries to get over his ex by going on a tropical vacation to Hawaii, but of course Sarah shows up with her new sex-crazed boyfriend, played by Russell Brand. Of course everything is going wrong, until Peter meets the beautiful hostess of the hotel, Rachel. It's the cliche love story but it's filled with enough comedy that it doesn't come off as corny. After viewing it in theaters I knew I wanted to see it again. I rented the DVD and there are several deleted scenes (especially the yoga scene) which are so funny. These bloopers are also worth watching. Overall I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a good comedy!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
You're gonna shoot your eye out!
My personal favorite and must see during the Christmas season is A Christmas Story. Based in the 1940's, Ralphie is a young boy, part of the average American family, who just wants one thing for Christmas, a Red Ryder BB Gun. However, every time he asks for one he always hears, "You're gonna shoot your eye out!" His mission throughout the movie is to prove to everyone that this is the best gift and that he should be able to have one. Throughout the film there are several memorable scenes. The importance of a triple dog dare! Who could forget the leg lamp?!? Never thought a grown man could be so obsessed with something so ridiculous, and when his wife becomes jealous of a lamp it is hysterical. All hell breaks loose when she ends up breaking the lamp "accidentally". Or their Christmas dinner in the Chinese restaurant, Fa ra ra ra... priceless. The infamous bundling Randy up for the cold weather where he can't even put his arms down. Ralphie using the F-word for the first time. In the end, Ralphie finally gets his BB gun and ends up shooting himself, good thing he was wearing glasses because if not he would have shot his eye out!
Will Ferrell is hysterical in the Christmas comedy Elf. Ferrell plays Buddy, who as a baby crawled into Santa's bag of gifts and is taken back to the North Pole. Considering they didn't know where he came from an older elf decides to raise him. Buddy knows he's very different than the rest of the elf's and inevitabley they tell him the truth and let him know who his real father is. He heads to New York to find his real dad, being so naive to the real world, you can imagine how funny his interactions are with strangers. He goes on many adventures including wondering into a department store where the manager thinks he is one of the employees hired as an elf. When he hears that Santa is coming he stays up all night in the department store preparing for his arrival and when he finds out it's not the real Santa, Buddy reveals him as a fake and ends up getting fired. He also runs into an angry elf... which is probably one of the funniest parts of the movie. Thinking they look delicious, Buddy ends up eating cotton balls. At dinner Buddy concocts his own breakfast, a very new spaghetti recipe which after researching a bit, turns out people have actually tried this disgusting breakfast. Overall, this movie is full of light-hearted fun, great for all ages.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
And believe it or not, in every man there's a code written that says, "Tackle drunk bitches."
Steve Carell is absolutely hysterical in The 40 Year Old Virgin. After Andy's (Steve Carell) co-workers find out he is a virgin, they decide it is their mission to get him laid. They try taking him speed dating... which does not go very well. They also bring him to meet girls that are drunk at bars, which seemed to work... until she tries to drive them home. Finally he meets a woman he really likes and asks her out, they begin to date but he keeps the fact that he's a virgin a secret. In the mean time he tries to have sex so he won't be completely horrible at it. One of his co-workers brings him to a bookstore where a girl who's known to be easy works at. Which is one of my favorite scenes from the film. Andy basically talks to this girl and instead of having a normal conversation he just keeps asking questions and answering her questions with questions. HYSTERICAL! Another awesome scene is when the guys decide Andy needs to get his chest waxed in order to attract more women (which actually was all improv considering they could only wax his chest once) He falls in love with the woman he is dating and ends up telling her the truth. They get married and he finally loses his virginity. For me this is a must have movie for my collection. It's the kind of movie you can watch over and over again and it never gets old. From beginning to end this movie is hilarious!
What About BOB?!?!?!?
What About Bob? is without a doubt Bill Murray's best performance ever! He plays Bob Wiley, who fears absolutely EVERYTHING. He clearly is in dire need to some psychiatric help, which leads him to Dr. Leo Marvin, a very well known and respected psychiatrist. Bob begins to feel like he's found a doctor that can actually help him overcome his fears, however after his first session he finds out that Dr. Marvin and his family are going on a family vacation. What is Bob to do?! Go visit obviously! Dr. Marvin's family make the mistake of letting him stay for dinner (which he REALLy enjoys) and spend the night and he becomes the houseguest that just won't leave. Dr. Marvin can't stand Bob and the fact that his family loves him so much begins to eat away at him. As Bob becomes closer to the family he begins to get over some of his fears. Feeling threatened by Bob's presence in his family Dr. Marvin finally snaps and it couldn't be funnier! I saw this movie when I was 10 and it's been one of my favorites ever since. Definitely one of my favorite comedies!
Friday, February 26, 2010
There you have it, folks. Young love. Full of promise, full of hope, ignorant of reality...
Recently, I went with one of my best friends to go see Valentine's Day. To my surprise, after hearing several horrible reviews of the film, I was impressed with the storyline and enjoyed it. With a huge cast of A-list stars ranging from Julia Roberts to Ashton Kutcher to Jessica Biel, and everywhere in between, it was no surprise that the acting was top-notch. The movie consisted of several people dealing with Valentine's Day in their own way. They portrayed young love, awkward beginning stages of dating, being single on the magical day, cheating boyfriends, getting engaged, and possibly every scenario imaginable. It was romantic and funny without being corny, which for many romantic comedies tends to be a hard task. What I liked about the film was you could relate to at least one of the characters, which for me was a plus. My only disappointment throughout the film was when Bradley Cooper's character turned out to be gay. Although it was a good career move to be open to other roles other than his usual manly man, it was pretty upsetting for all of the girls in the theater who, like myself, are basically in love with him! From beginning to end I was entertained and although this movie is labeled a "chick flick" I think any guy would enjoy it as well. Who doesn't like a tangled web of love?
I was at a day spa. Day, D-A-I-Y-E. Okay?...
Zoolander, released in 2001, has become a favorite amongst many comedy fans, myself included. Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) is a supermodel and icon in the fashion world, known for his "many poses" and fierce runway walk. When the new it-boy Hansel (Owen Wilson) takes the spotlight away from Derek, a feud begins and they even an intense walk-off . They eventually become friends and team up to take down the evil fashion guru Mugatu (Will Ferrell).
10 years later and it's been announced that there will be a sequel to the film. In this hilarious article MTV executives photoshop images of what Derek Zoolander may have been up to in the past 10 years. I'm hoping that Will Ferrell will make an appearance, but it is said that Jonah Hill may be playing the villain this time in the upcoming film. Although I would love to see Mugatu again, I am excited to see what Jonah Hill will bring to the movie, after his performance in Superbad, I'm about willing to watch anything else he ends up acting in. There is no set release date thus far, however I am looking forward to seeing this sequel and I hope it will hit theaters soon!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Oh No Bruno...
After viewing Borat, I was more than excited to see Bruno. Sasha Baren Cohen is back at it again fooling Americans, but this time by posing as an Austrian gay fashion tv show host Bruno. Although I LOVED Borat, I was not a huge fan of Bruno. It was a bit much and overly sexual. I never needed nor wanted to see a man have anal sex with a midget, but apparently Sasha thought that would be funny... I was so grossed out 5 minutes into the movie I debated on walking out, however I decided to give the movie a chance and continue watching... HUGE MISTAKE. I will admit there were a few funny scenes like Bruno adopting his African American baby by trading his iPod and then naming him O.J. (absolutely hysterical) but overall, it was a waste of time. It was not consistently funny, which was the downfall of the movie. It had it's moments of hilarity to the point of tears, but I would never have the desire to see it again. The character of Bruno could have been so hilarious however, Sasha went over the top sexually which for me ruined the movie. Roger Ebert gave it 3 1/2 stars, which shocks me because I would probably give it a 2. I was really disappointed, after seeing the preview for the film I was expecting another great hit from Sasha Baren Cohen that would keep me laughing the entire time. However, this time he did not deliver. Thank God he is making a Borat 2! I'm sure he will make up for Bruno with this film.
Give me your tears gypsy or I will take them from you!
Sasha Baron Cohen is pure genius in his movie Borat. Sasha goes undercover and fools many Americans by pretending he is a foreign news reporter from Kazakhstan named Borat who comes to America to make a documentary to bring back to his people for "educational" matters. However, this comedian takes full advantage and puts several naive Americans in very awkward situations. Knowing that these Americans are completely unaware that they are getting pranked is what makes the movie that much funnier. Along his journey across America Borat learns many things, like telling jokes, a lesson from the hip hop culture, and meets a "gypsy" at a garage sale. Most of the movie was improv, however some of it was planned. One the best parts of the movie with Pamela Anderson was planned but it absolutely makes the movie. Even though the movie was hysterical, did he go to far? Some of his victims say yes. This very controversial film lead to Sasha getting sued by many of the unsuspecting "victims." One case that I find to be hysterical is that the frat boys in the film brought a lawsuit against him for "embarrasing them." Hey, I get that you're embrassed that you got wasted and said women should be sex slaves but they had no reason to sue. These guys are idiots in my opinion. They signed release forms giving them permission to use the footage in a documentary, if they didn't ask for more details that's their own fault. With no surprise they lost their lawsuit. These "victims" need to get over and just realize that Sasha Baron Cohen is without a doubt a comedic genius and managed to prank America!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
You stay classy, San Diego...
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy written by comedy genius Adam McKay with collaborations with Will Ferrell, has to be in my top 5 favorite movies ever. Set in the 1970's, Will Ferrell gives a hilarious performance playing Ron Burgundy, who is kind of a big deal in San Diego. He is a famous anchorman and leader of the Channel 4 News Team which consists of the 3 other awesome characters, all of which are hysterical! You have Brian Fantana, who's the ladies man... or at least tries to be. Champ Kind, the sports announcer and the emotional one of the group. Lastly, you have Brick Tamland, the weatherman who's just a little bit slow... but completes the dynamic of the group. Everythings great at the Channel 4 news network until a women, Veronica Corningstone brings some diversity to the team. At first all of the men want her and she ends up dating Ron, because he is a pretty good "yazz" flute player. But when she proves she is just as good as Ron and ends up becoming a co-anchor Ron turns bitter it becomes a battle to ruin eachother. This movie gets funnier the more times you watch it and begin to pick up on new subtle humor that you may have missed on previous viewings. If you need a good laugh just pop this movie in and you'll be gaurenteed over an hour of laughter! It was so great that they are in productions of Anchorman 2, the date of release hasn't been announced yet so I guess we will just have to wait for the return of Ron and the gang!
Boats and hoes, gotta get me some boats and hoes!
Step Brothers is comedy gold! Adam McKay and Will Ferrell are back at it co-writing this comedy about two 40 year olds who's single parents get married. Will Ferrell is at his finest as Brenan who tends to be a mama's boy playing opposite to John C. Reilly who plays his step brother Dale. Although they are really 40 years old, they act as if they are 10, which is what makes the movie so funny. The mannerisms and behaviors displayed by these two are so dead on of those by young children. They turn from enemies due to an incident with Dales drum set to best friends after a visit from Brenan's brother Derek and his family. They even build bunk beds! They become such good friends that they decide they are going to make their own business, Prestige Worldwide, ruining Dr. Doback's boat in the process while making a creative music video for their "investors". The movie from beginning to end is non-stop laughter. Step Brothers is without a doubt my second favorite movie made by Will Ferrell, right after Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (as seen in my previous post). I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone! This movie is pure genius!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Not hungover yet? I know I'm not!
It's confirmed, there will be a sequel to The Hangover, which I believe is one of the best comedies released in years (previous post gives more information about film). It's planning on being released in 2011 and I cannot wait for this film to drop! Apparently the movie will be moving away from Vegas and into another locale. It is possible that the film will take place in Thailand. Considering Thailand has been known to have a very dark side,I have full faith that this movie will be absolutely hilarious. I'm sure the 3 best friends that anyone could have will yet again make me laugh to the point of tears. Usually I am not a fan of sequels because they have the tendency of not measuring up to the original, such as Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd (complete CRAP) or the sequel to The Mask: Son of the Mask (again... CRAP). Why take a classic and embarrass it like that? In most cases I would just say, "DON'T RUIN IT!", however, I feel Todd Phillips could have a great thing going here. New locations and new adventures with the same characters? I'm all for it. I think he will have no problem finding trouble for the guys to get caught up in. Now all we have to do is wait until Memorial Day 2011...
Some guys just can't handle Vegas...
Todd Phillips hit it big with his recent film and has been called the New Hero of Comedy. What is there to say about The Hangover? Besides it being one of the funniest movie I have ever seen, it includes a great cast of actors that you may not have heard of before watching. Bradley Cooper plays Phil who is a bad-ass school teacher and clearly the leader of his 'wolf pack'. Whatever he says goes and he definitely uses this to his advantage to get what he wants. Zach Galifianakis plays Alan, the awkward yet hilarious soon to be brother in law of Doug, played by Justin Bartha. Last but certainly not least is Stu, the somewhat dorky dentist played by Ed Helms who is mostly known for playing Andy Bernard in the comical series "The Office".
The movie starts with the 4 friends heading to Vegas to have one last crazy night before Doug get's married. But some guys just can't handle Vegas... What begins as an awesome bachelor party soon turns into a crazy weeknd they will never forget, or will they? When Phil, Alan, and Stu awake from the worst hangover of their lives, with no memory of the night before, they soon realize their friend Doug is missing. The movie contains a series of worst case scenarios that they just so happen to keep finding themselves in and kept me laughing the entire time. There were no dull moments and right when you thought they may have figured out where Doug was, some new obstacle stood in their way. They find a tiger in the bathroom, a baby in the closet, and Stu's missing a tooth... did I mention that's just in the first few minutes of them waking up? And if that's not crazy enough, there's a special appearance by Mike Tyson in their hotel room later on in the movie. The movie ends when they find their camera with all of the images from the previous night. ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS from beginning to end.
The movie starts with the 4 friends heading to Vegas to have one last crazy night before Doug get's married. But some guys just can't handle Vegas... What begins as an awesome bachelor party soon turns into a crazy weeknd they will never forget, or will they? When Phil, Alan, and Stu awake from the worst hangover of their lives, with no memory of the night before, they soon realize their friend Doug is missing. The movie contains a series of worst case scenarios that they just so happen to keep finding themselves in and kept me laughing the entire time. There were no dull moments and right when you thought they may have figured out where Doug was, some new obstacle stood in their way. They find a tiger in the bathroom, a baby in the closet, and Stu's missing a tooth... did I mention that's just in the first few minutes of them waking up? And if that's not crazy enough, there's a special appearance by Mike Tyson in their hotel room later on in the movie. The movie ends when they find their camera with all of the images from the previous night. ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS from beginning to end.
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